Both of these songs are from artists that I usually don't listen to, but these two songs have somehow made their way through the barricades of my mind. I blame the chorus, both are catchy. And catchy is my weakness along with square dancing, but we'll save that for a rainy day.
The first one is in that huge rock genre that branches off into whatever it can to get it's grimy little hands on. Not that it's a bad thing... sometimes. But this band is pretty close to others that I listen to, so it's not a huge surprise I guess.
And now ..... the one you don't tell anyone you like, unless they say something first and then you have this moment where all the confessions poor out about how one of you likes the tune to "Hot n' Cold"and the other admits that "MMMBop" changed their life. Trust me it happens. Don't judge.... people do meth. (Ha I use that saying way too much, I blame you! You know who you are!)