Monday, October 8, 2012

Currently Listening To...

I know they're dancey pop music, but wikipedia tells me that they're considered pop rock, electronica, so I like to believe them. But a lot of their songs are catchy, and I'm a contradiction when it's comes to music, so it's all good. Also they're not the best looking guys.
I Am Not A Music Snob. I Am Not A Music Snob. I Am Not A Music Snob. I Am Not A Music Snob.

Songs I find catchy: Candle (Sick and Tired) , You Look Better When I'm Drunk , Allow Me To Introduce Myself ,

Ooook you can stop now....or not

Watching You, The Way Down

Oh geez, I think I can add this to the list of bands I feel guilty for liking.

P.S. Confession: I like Demi Lovato's Skyscraper and Give Your Heart Break. Ok Bye!

New Music

I'm not a huge fan of Imagine Dragons, but I just heard this song last night and it's not too bad.

New Music/Currently Listening to..

Shriek is a horror punk band and are not too shabby.
Go here to listen to some music:
I think my favorites are Dance with a Corpse, Lycanthrope, Closed Casket Romantic