Sunday, August 2, 2015


Aww I missed this blog. I just felt like I had to tell everyone that I saw a guilty pleasure last night. Does it make them a guilty pleasure if I'm "screamin from the top of the world" (hahaha) that I saw them last night and was totally into it? All well..

If you haven't already guessed or you know clicked on the link above, I saw Tokio Hotel.


It was amazing, alright?! There were foamy bubbles at the end. He made like four wardrobe changes which was all amazing in itself because he was wearing some elaborate clothes and he changed really fast. 
They are more electronic with their music now and some of the older songs didn't sound exactly right because of all the bass. That's one thing that I wished was different. There are bands that I just wish I could have seen earlier in their career because usually when they go on tour they play most of their new songs. This was one of them. Really, I'm just glad I saw them. I didn't think I'd ever see them.

So I took a video, but it got lost on my phone. I found this on youtube, which is from the same night I was there. If you go to this person's page, they have like four more videos from that night. Plus other nights, it looks like they followed them on tour. 

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